May 20




Living   In   Fear   Exists
It always has done and it always will…..

So many people live their lives in fear – small children, young children, teenagers, young adults, older adults and the aged.

It (fear), masquerades in so many guises, the prevalent one is anxiety.

Anxiety as a ‘condition’, a dis-ease of the mind and the body has been on the increase at an astonishing rate for years. Thousands, millions of people are hooked into what I call the Fear-Anxiety Cycle. Otherwise known as the FA cycle – the Fuck-All what’s the point (?) cycle.

This cycle grips so many people as they are led to believe that their life is meant to be that way. A life that gets translated into an ‘I am worthless, I am useless’ kind of a life. There is nothing kind about that let me assure you.

Just look at what has been happening in this world with the COVID-19 pandemic or is that plandemic? We may never know.

What we know as a collective is that life or what it is meant to be, cannot be sustained in this way. Something, some-one, or all of us are required to change on many levels, and it all begins with the way you think or have been conditioned to think. Our thinking has to change. Your thinking has to change.


Well in my simple way of looking at things, life, the world, nothing can happen, no action can be taken without a thought. Try taking an action without a thought – can you do it? Let me know if you can.

To explain, you having a drink doesn’t happen without you thinking ‘I’m thirsty’ or ‘I fancy a cup of or glass of something’.

Back to living in fear…..

Fear is used as a method of control. It is this control and the fear that it induces that I believe to be the root cause of the rise in anxiety across the ages, and across the world.

Anxiety is not a bad thing however. It is a part of us, it is part of our innate safety mechanism, part of our fight or flight response and now freeze response system.

Initially it kept early humans safe from predators within the animal kingdom and now it predominantly keeps us safe from other humans; and this is where the fear has grown and that state of anxiety has ‘taken over’.

It has taken over our thinking processes to the point where it becomes all- consuming and immobilising – hence the freeze response.

We no longer live in a world where we run from animal predators especially here in the Western world, and it is no longer acceptable to clobber someone over the head with a club, giving you the space and timing, to turn and run. (Or to stay and brace yourself ready to fight it out if that was felt to be a choice).

Society has evolved to be more civilised…..or so we are led to believe. Think about it – governments govern through fear, religion is governed by fear, families either knowingly or unknowingly raise children from a fear base. It is called control.

We all conform to that control out of fear.

Fear of doing something wrong, not being good enough, of not being accepted, of not being loved. Acceptance and love being the two main components humans require to thrive.

Now here’s the thing……….we are led to believe that we have to have that love and acceptance from others…………

I am here to share with you that that is not enough.

As great as that is and it is great to be accepted and loved, if we cannot do that for ourselves then guess what?

We begin to question that love and acceptance. Why? Because we still do not feel good enough.

We do not feel good enough as we cannot love and accept ourselves, so why should or would anyone else?

There lies the cycle of F-A.

You might question why I am so sure of this.

Allow me to share that I have not only experienced this within my own life , I have witnessed it in the many hundreds of lives of the people I have worked with to help them create the change they desire in their life.

To be free from that F-A cycle.


It all begins with the way you think. What you believe and what is important to you.

Your mind is your most powerful asset.  To quote one of my favourite sayings from the late great Dr Wayne Dyer “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

Adapt that to “When you change your thinking, you change your life” and you may understand where I am coming from.

Is it easy? Not necessarily……..I can assure you though it is worth it!

You see when you can be at peace with your thoughts, and accept and love who you are, you can relax, you can enjoy life.

You can begin to see all the fears you have accumulated lose their impact and hold on you, and what’s more you will be open to seeing when others are attempting to control you through fear – that fear of not being or having enough.

My purpose is to show you how you can overcome the control and fear wrapped up in your anxiety. To deal with your anxiety and to take back control – your control over your thinking, your beliefs, your values and your life.

To step back into your personal power, so you can enjoy life and live your best life!

Living   In   Fear   Exists – It always has done and it always will…..

Unless of course you decide and you choose to take action to do something about that.


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