July 14

The Mind-Body Connection and EFT.


think- silhouetteEvery thought we think ripples throughout our bodies, affecting our immune system, our brain, hormonal system and more.

Many ancient healing systems lay emphasis on the connection between the mind and body in healing.  Today, modern scientific research is proving this age-old belief of medical wisdom to be true.  heart-energyWhat we think and feel has a powerful influence on our bodies.  What this in fact means is you can use your mind to improve your health.

Your body reacts to the way you think, feel and act.  When you are stressed, anxious or upset, your body tries to tell you that something isn’t right.  High blood pressure or a stomach ulcer for example might develop after a particularly stressful event.  The following can also be physical signs that your emotional health is out of balance:


Back pain


Change in appetite

Chest pain

Constipation or diarrhoea

Dry mouth

Extreme tiredness

General aches and pains


High blood pressure

Insomnia (trouble sleeping)


Palpitations (the feeling that your heart is racing)

Sexual problems

Stiff neck


Upset stomach

Weight gain or loss


Weak or poor emotional health can lessen your body’s immune system, making you more susceptible to colds and other infections during emotionally difficult times, for example.  koli-bacteria-immune systemAlso, when you are feeling stressed, anxious or upset, you may not take care of your health as well as you otherwise would.  Feeling stressed, particularly for any length of time, can often trigger ‘comfort eating’ or ‘alcohol binges’, or cause one to increase their tobacco consumption, none of which bode well were physical health is concerned.  Similarly, any exercise programme can quite easily ‘go out of the window!’

Today, we accept that there is a powerful mind-body connection through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioural factors can directly affect our health.  The mind-body connection means that you can learn to use your thoughts to positively influence some of your body’s physical responses.

Over the past two decades, mind-body medicine has provided evidence that psychological issues can play a most important role in illnesses such as heart disease, and that mind-body techniques can aid in their treatment.  Clinical trials have also indicated mind-body therapies to be helpful in managing arthritis and other chronic pain conditions.  Furthermore, there is also evidence they can help to improve psychological functioning and quality of life.

So, what is available that can assist with the mind-body connection and healing and how does it work?

Emotional Freedom technique (EFT) is an amazing tool that works extremely well harnessing both the mind and body.


EFT uses the body’s own energy coupled with affirmations to promote health and wellness.

EFT uses the tips of the fingers to lightly tap various spots located on the face and body.  These tapping points or spots are meridian points and by tapping gently on these, it allows the body´s physical energy system to engage with the mind and helps achieve alignment between the two; thus working with our natural mind-body connection.

EFT is evidence supported to be effective in treating many things that keep us from having a happier, masks-positive and negativehealthier life such as; ongoing stress, low self-esteem, fears and phobias, depression, chronic worry, insomnia, back pain, anxiety, trauma, confidence issues, weight loss, weight management, unhealthy habits, limited thinking and beliefs, addictive behaviours, childhood issues, physical tension, pain and much, much more.

Properly applied by a trained EFT practitioner many clients achieve either noticeable improvement or complete cessation of their problem.  Many people, including professionals like doctors, believe that it is the missing piece in the health and wellness puzzle!

Whether you have been diagnosed with an illness or need to prepare for a medical procedure such as surgery, it is very important to minimize the negative effects and maximize the healthy, healing aspects of your mind-body connection.  EFT is the tool to use!

It is also the tool to use to move your life forward if you are ‘stuck in a rut’, are looking for change or are facing change.

As an advanced practitioner of EFT I carry out consultations and treatments via Skype and even the telephone.  This means I am able to help even more people and have worked with people across the globe; the USA, the Caribbean, Sweden, Mexico, Spain and the UK are just some of the countries in which I have helped people, without leaving my office.  It really is an awesome tool.

If you would like to find out more about EFT or would like to arrange a FREE consultation, please contact me via my website at www.drewryder.com  (Note: I do not work with everybody who contacts me – it is important that we ‘connect’and  that we ‘fit’. This is  so we can work together for you to achieve the best possible outcome). Please feel free to visit my website and claim your FREE ebook –  7 Steps to Set Yourself FREE!


energy, happiness, health

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